#// Acknowledged.
#// The ViziText interpreter is now active and recording, Sir.
[Zero, start the emulator please.]
#// Yes Sir. Launching The Emulator.
WW> Info
Tatic Time/Space Emulator (TTSE)
WW> Launch WW3.0
Starting Launch . . .
. . . Checking Systems . . . Please Wait
#// I don't think it's going to work, Sir.
#// The system you are trying to start is, well, ancient.
[Thank you Zero. Your opinion was not asked for at this time.]
#// Sorry Sir.
. . . Checking Systems . . . Complete - Systems Operating Within Normal Parameters
. . . Initializing Space-Time Subsystem . . . Please Wait
#// Sir?
[Yes Zero, what now?]
#// Why do you want to try and start this... particular system, Sir?
[You know, for a seventh level AI you sure do ask a lot of questions.]
[I'm the Human remember... you live to serve me and all that...]
. . . Space-Time Subsystem . . . Online
. . . Creating Transdimensional Pocket . . . Complete - Pocket Operating Within Normal Parameters
. . . Initializing Conscious / Sub Conscious Interface . . . Please Wait
#// Of course Sir. I'm just concerned for your wellbeing, which you yourself, have charged me with keeping.
. . . Initializing Conscious / Subconscious Interface . . . Complete - Interface Operating Within Normal Parameters
. . . Starting 3D to 2D Interpreter . . . Please Wait
[Ha! You have me there Zero, but I'm fine . . . I'm just, reliving part of the past... my past.]
. . . Starting 3D to 2D Interpreter . . . Complete - Interpreter Operating Within Normal Parameters
. . . Launching WW3.0 . . . Please Wait
[Here we go, let's see what happ...]
. . . Launching WW3.0 . . . Warning - Domain is Exhibiting Unusual Behavior
. . . Launching WW3.0 . . . Warning - Attempting to Compensate
#// The emulator is operating at eighty percent... correction, now ninety percent Sir.
. . . Launching WW3.0 . . . Warning - Environment Attempting to Breach Containment
[I can see that Zero.]
. . . Launching WW3.0 . . . Warning - Breach Imminent
[Shut it down Zero, before it damages itself.]
#// Yes Sir. Aborting launch Sir.
WW> End
#// I'm sorry Sir.
[Yeah well... I didn't really think it would work, Zero. I was just... hopeful.]
#// Where do you go from here, Sir?
[Zero, that's a very good question... a very good question indeed.]
[Stop recording and go back to normal input.]